
06 August 2010

Jeep "Little Red War Wagon" front bumper.

Here are some pictures of the bumper I built for my jeep recently.  It turned out really well.  This is what I had before the new bumper.

This here was a skid/protector for the steering gearbox but I dont think I'm going to use it right now because when I replace my front axle I plan on relocating the axle a few inches forward forcing me to move the gearbox.

02 August 2010

HK G3 almost done...

I've been putting some time into my HK 91/G3 recently.  I stripped it down all the way, baked on a flat molly resin finish, cut/welded and installed a paddle mag release, and replaced the the bulky metal lower with a synthetic version.  I also added a scope mount and folding stock.  In need of a elevated cheek rest I found that a Magpul cheek rest for a CTR stock on my AR would work perfect with some modification.  Last I added some picatini rails on the forearm to allow my Larue QD equipped Harris bipod and/or any other rail mounted accessory such as a tac light.  Next will be cutting, recrowning, and threading the barrel for a Surefire brake that will reduce recoil and enable the use of the same suppressor as my M24 rifle.

Col. B farewell plaque.

This was a farewell plaque I was asked to make for our Task Force Senior LTC. B.  It's a mini anvil with an "Excalibur" effect merged with the Ops Group motto "forging the warrior spirit".  The base is oak and the brass placard rests on a piece of cedar.
Let's seen what a picture looks like.

OK, so I've started a blog. Blog? So I'm not sure exactly what that stands for but let's give it a test drive...